ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bargain and sale deed

A bargain and sale deed is a legal document that shows that someone sold their property to someone else. You know how you sometimes trade toys with your friends? Well, it's kind of like that, but with a house or land instead of toys.

The bargain and sale deed says that the seller promises, or agrees, that they really owned the property and had the right to sell it. It also says that the person buying the property promises to pay money for the property.

When the buyer gives the seller the money they agreed on, the bargain and sale deed gets "executed," which is just a fancy way of saying it is made official. The buyer can then take the deed to the government to change who officially owns the property.

So, think of a bargain and sale deed like a receipt that shows that someone sold something and promised it was theirs to sell, and the buyer promised to pay for it.
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