ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Baroque garden

Baroque gardens are like magical outdoor wonderlands! They were made a looooong time ago in Europe during a time called the Baroque period. People loved to make these gardens to show off their wealth and fancy taste.

A Baroque garden is like a big outdoor room that is designed to be super fancy and beautiful. There might be fountains with cool water spraying out, statues of gods and goddesses, and perfectly trimmed hedges that make cool shapes. There are also usually lots of flowers and plants that are arranged in perfect patterns.

The gardens were made to be a place for people to relax and enjoy the great outdoors. People would have really fancy parties in these gardens, and sometimes they would even have plays or musical performances there.

In a Baroque garden, everything was designed to be perfectly balanced and symmetrical. This meant that everything has to look the same on both sides, like a mirror image. Everything was carefully planned out beforehand so that it would all fit together like a big puzzle.

Overall, Baroque gardens are a mix of art, nature, and fancy design. They are still around today and are really cool to visit if you ever get the chance!