ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Baroque painting

Have you ever seen a picture that looks very fancy and detailed? That picture might be a baroque painting! Baroque painting is a type of art that was made a very long time ago, around 400 years ago in Italy.

Baroque paintings are very special because they often show lots of movement and emotion. The artists who made these paintings liked to use bright colors and lots of details. They wanted to create paintings that were very exciting to look at.

If you ever see a baroque painting, you might notice that the people in the painting look like they are moving. Sometimes their clothes are flowing around them, like they are in the middle of doing something. The backgrounds in these paintings are often very busy too, with lots of different things happening all at once.

One of the most famous baroque painters is named Caravaggio. He made paintings that show people in everyday situations, but he made them look very dramatic. For example, he painted a picture of a boy holding a basket of fruit. But the boy looks like he is very surprised, like he didn't know someone was watching him.

So in summary, baroque painting is a fancy type of art that uses lots of colors and details to show people and things in a very exciting way. These paintings are often very old and come from Italy, and some of the most famous painters are named Caravaggio.