ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A barrister is a type of lawyer who is specially trained to argue cases in court. Think of them like superheroes who wear special costumes (robes and wigs) when they go to work!

When someone needs help with a legal problem, they often hire a barrister to represent them in court. The barrister will review all the information about the problem and come up with arguments to try and convince the judge or jury that their client is in the right.

Barristers need to be really smart and know a lot about the law, like how to interpret complicated rules and how to find the best evidence to support their arguments.

They also need to be really good at speaking in public and persuading people with their words. That's why they go to special school (called law school) to get trained in all these things.

Overall, barristers are like legal experts who fight for their clients' rights in court. And just like superheroes, they take on some pretty tough challenges!