ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bartlett's method

Bartlett's method is a way of looking at a bunch of numbers and trying to figure out if they're all similar or if they're different from each other. It's like when you look at a group of toys and try to decide if they're all the same or if some are different.

To use Bartlett's method, we take our group of numbers and split it up into smaller groups. Then, we look at each smaller group and see if the numbers in that group are close to each other or if they're really different. We do this for all the smaller groups and then we add up all the results.

If most of the smaller groups have numbers that are similar to each other, then that means our whole group of numbers is probably similar too. But if some of the smaller groups have really different numbers, then that means our whole group of numbers is probably different too.

Bartlett's method helps us understand how similar or different our group of numbers is, which can be really helpful in lots of different situations.