ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Basque education system

The Basque education system is the way that kids in the Basque Country learn new things. Just like every school has its own rules and ways of doing things, the Basque education system has its own special way of teaching kids.

When kids in the Basque Country go to school, they first start in "infantil" which means preschool. In preschool, they learn how to play with other kids and do fun activities. The teachers help them learn how to share, take turns, and be nice to each other.

After preschool, kids go to "primaria" which is like elementary school. In primaria, kids learn how to read, write, and do math. They also learn about science, history, and other important subjects. Kids in primaria have the same teacher for all their classes.

Once they finish primaria, kids move on to "secundaria" or middle school. In middle school, kids have a different teacher for each subject. They learn more advanced math, science, history, and language classes. They also start to get ready for high school.

In high school, which is called "bachillerato" in Basque, kids have even more options for what they want to learn. They can take classes in things like art, music, or technology. They also start to think about what they want to do when they finish high school.

Throughout their education in Basque schools, kids also learn about their Basque culture and language. They may attend classes in Basque language and culture to help keep their traditions alive.

Overall, the Basque education system is designed to help kids learn and grow in a fun and supportive environment.
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