ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Basque verbs

Okay kiddo, today we're going to learn about something called Basque verbs. Basque is a language spoken in some parts of Spain and France, and verbs are words that tell us what someone or something is doing.

Now, in Basque, verbs are a bit different than in other languages. They change based on who is doing the action and when the action happened. For example, in English, we say "I eat" and "you eat", but in Basque, we would say "ni jaten dut" (I eat) and "zu jaten duzu" (you eat).

Basque verbs also have something called conjugations, which means we change the verb to match the subject (who is doing the action). And there are different types of verbs - some end in "tu" and some end in "i".

But don't worry, there are some rules to help us figure out which form to use. For example, if you want to say "I am eating" (present tense), you would use the "tu" form of the verb - "ni jaten dut". But if you want to say "I ate" (past tense), you would use the "i" form - "ni jin nintzen".

So, in summary, Basque verbs are words that tell us what someone or something is doing, and they change based on who is doing the action and when it happened. We use different conjugations and forms depending on the tense (present, past, future) and the subject (who is doing the action).