ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bataan Memorial Death March

Okay, kiddo, let me tell you about the Bataan Memorial Death March.

A long time ago, in 1942, there was a battle in the Philippines between the United States and Japan. The United States soldiers, along with Filipino soldiers, were fighting to protect their country. But unfortunately, they lost the battle and the Japanese soldiers captured them.

After they were captured, the Japanese soldiers forced the captured soldiers to walk a long distance to a prison camp. This walk was very long, and the soldiers were very tired and hungry. Some could not even walk anymore because they were too weak.

Many soldiers became sick and died during this walk. It was a very sad and difficult time.

Nowadays, people want to remember and honor the soldiers who had to endure this walk. They organize a special event called the Bataan Memorial Death March.

During the event, people come together to walk a distance of 26.2 miles to remember the soldiers who had to walk this same distance many years ago. The event is a way to remember the strength and courage of these soldiers, even during tough times. So, that's what the Bataan Memorial Death March is all about.