ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bathroom bill

Okay, so imagine you're in school and you need to use the bathroom. You know how there are usually signs outside the bathroom doors telling you which ones are for boys and which ones are for girls? Well, some people are saying there should be a new rule about which bathroom people can use.

This new rule is called the "bathroom bill." Some people want the rule to say that you can only use the bathroom that matches the gender you were assigned at birth. So, if you were born a boy, you should use the bathroom for boys. If you were born a girl, you should use the bathroom for girls.

But other people think that's not fair. Some people might identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth. So if a person who was assigned male at birth identifies as a female, they might not feel comfortable using the boys' bathroom.

The bathroom bill is a big argument about what the rules should be. Should people be allowed to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, or should they only be allowed to use the one that matches their assigned gender at birth? It's a tricky question, but it's an important one to talk about so that everyone feels safe and respected when they need to use the restroom.