ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Boroughmuir

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, there was a big battle called the Battle of Boroughmuir. It happened in a place called Edinburgh in Scotland.

You know how sometimes people don't like each other and they fight? Well, that's what happened here. Two groups of people called the English and the Scots were fighting because they both wanted control over Edinburgh.

The English had some big weapons like cannons and muskets, but the Scots were really good at fighting with swords and spears.

The battle lasted a whole day, and both sides had lots of fighters who were brave and strong.

In the end, the Scots won the battle and were able to keep control of Edinburgh. But a lot of people on both sides got hurt or even died.

It's important to remember that wars and battles can be really scary and dangerous. It's better when people can find ways to work together and get along instead of fighting.