ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Drlupa

Okay, so imagine there were two big groups of people a long, long time ago in a place called India. One group was called the Mauryas, and the other group was called the Seleucids. They didn't really like each other because they had different beliefs and ways of doing things.

One day, the leader of the Mauryas, whose name was Ashoka, heard that the Seleucids were trying to take over one of his cities called Kalinga. He decided to fight back and protect his people.

The two groups met in a big battle called the Battle of Dharma. It was really intense and lots of people got hurt or died, which is really sad. But in the end, the Mauryas won and Ashoka became a great ruler who helped make his kingdom really peaceful and fair.

So, the Battle of Dharma was basically a really important fight between two groups of people a long, long time ago in India. The good guys, the Mauryas, won and their leader, Ashoka, became a great ruler. But it was also really sad because lots of people got hurt or died.