ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Battle of Mišar

Okay kiddo, do you know what a battle is? It's when two groups of people fight each other to see who will win. The Battle of Mišar was a big fight that happened a long time ago in the year 853 AD.

Some people wanted to be in charge of a big area called the Balkans. They were the Byzantines and the Bulgarians. They both had their own leaders and soldiers.

The Byzantines wanted to take over some land that was controlled by the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians didn't like this and they decided to fight back. They thought they could win the battle because they had a good leader and a strong army.

On the day of the battle, both sides started fighting each other. They used swords, bows and arrows, and other weapons to hurt the other side. It was a very loud and scary fight, and many people got hurt or even died.

The Bulgarians were doing pretty well and looked like they might win, but then something happened. One of the Bulgarian soldiers thought he saw their leader running away from the battle, and he told everyone else. This made the Bulgarian soldiers lose hope and they started to run away too.

The Byzantines saw this and took advantage of it. They chased after the Bulgarian soldiers and fought them until they won the battle.

So in the end, the Byzantines were the winners of the Battle of Mišar. It was an important battle because it decided who would control a big part of the Balkans.