ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bearing (navigation)

Have you ever heard of a compass? It's a magical tool that helps you figure out which way is North, South, East, and West. But how do you use it to navigate and get from one place to another? That's where bearings come in!

A bearing is like a special way of describing the direction you need to go in order to reach your destination. Instead of saying "go straight ahead" or "turn left," you use numbers and degrees to talk about the exact direction you need to go.

Imagine you are standing in the middle of a big field and you want to get to your friend's house on the other side. You pull out your trusty compass and figure out that the direction to your friend's house is 45 degrees East of North.

So what does that mean? It means that if you start walking straight ahead, you need to turn slightly to your right until you are facing due East (the direction where the sun rises), and then keep walking in that direction for a while (while keeping an eye on your compass). After a certain distance, you'll need to turn slightly to your left until you are facing Northeast and keep walking until you finally reach your friend's house.

Basically, a bearing is a special language that tells you exactly which way to go without getting lost. It's like a secret code that only people who know how to use a compass can understand. So the next time you go on an adventure, don't forget your compass and your bearings!