ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beef Trust (burlesque)

Okay kiddo, so imagine a big group of grown-ups who all own different companies that sell beef. They decide to get together and work as a team to make more money. They call themselves the beef trust.

Now, this group of grown-ups can be a bit sneaky sometimes. They don't want anyone else to be able to sell beef and make money like they do. So they make a plan to control everything about how beef is sold.

For example, they decide to all charge the same price for beef so no one can undercut them and sell it for less. They also make rules about how much beef each company is allowed to sell so they can make sure they don't have too much competition.

Now, some people start to get upset about this. They feel like the beef trust is being unfair and not letting anyone else make money selling beef. So they start to make fun of them and tease them. They put on a show called Burlesque where they joke and sing about the beef trust and how silly they are.

But the beef trust doesn't like being made fun of. They start to use their power to try and shut down these shows and stop people from talking about them. But eventually, the government steps in and says that what the beef trust is doing is not okay. They break up the group and make sure everyone has an equal chance to sell beef.

So, in the end, the beef trust learned that being sneaky and controlling is not the right way to make money. And the people who made fun of them got to keep making their jokes and singing their songs. The end!