ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Behat (computer science)

Behat is a tool that helps to test computer programs. When we make a program, we want to make sure it works correctly. Behat helps us to see if it does what it is supposed to do.

Imagine you are playing with building blocks. You make a tower with blocks, and you want to see if it stays up. Behat is like a person who comes along and touches the tower to see if it falls down. If the tower stays up, we know it is good. If it falls down, we know we need to fix something.

Behat does this same thing with computer programs. We write instructions in the program, and Behat tests them to see if they work correctly. If they do, we know our program is good. If they don't, we know we need to fix something.

Behat helps us to make sure our programs work correctly and do what they are supposed to do. It is like having a helper come along and check our work to make sure it is good.