ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Behind the Burly Q

Behind the Burly Q is like a big storybook where grown-ups can read all about how burlesque shows used to be a really popular form of entertainment a long time ago.

Burlesque shows were kind of like plays, but they also had singers and dancers who performed in fancy costumes. Some of the performers would do funny sketches, and others were really good at doing fancy tricks with their bodies.

But even though burlesque was really popular with grown-ups, some people didn't like it because they thought it was too rude or sexy. Over time, burlesque shows started to become less and less popular, until they almost disappeared completely.

But some people wanted to learn more about burlesque and bring it back as a fun form of entertainment. So they talked to people who used to perform in burlesque shows and wrote down all of their stories. That's what the book Behind the Burly Q is all about - it's a big collection of stories from people who used to be part of burlesque shows.

When grown-ups read this book, they can learn all about what burlesque shows were like and how they changed over time. They can also see pictures of the performers and their costumes. It's like taking a trip back in time to when burlesque shows were really popular!