ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bell labs

Bell Labs was like a big school for very smart people who liked to learn and invent new things. It was started by a company called AT&T which used to be in charge of most of the phones in America a long time ago. The people who worked at Bell Labs wanted to make phones and computers better and faster so they could help people talk and share information with each other.

Inside Bell Labs there were lots of rooms filled with machines and tools that the smart people used to make new things. They also had big brains and could think up new ideas very easily. One of the smart people who worked there, named John Bardeen, even won a prize called a Nobel Prize because he helped to make tiny little things called transistors that are inside phones and computers and make them work better.

The people who worked at Bell Labs were like superheroes because they could change the world with their inventions. They made things like the first communication satellite, which lets people talk on the phone from far away places, and even helped design the first cell phone. Even today, the things they invented are still helping people talk and share information all over the world. So, in conclusion, Bell Labs was a place where very smart people worked together to make the world a better place by inventing new things to help people talk and share information.