ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beltane Fire Festival

Beltane is a very old festival that celebrates the beginning of summer. A long time ago, people used to believe that the changes in the seasons were caused by powerful nature spirits who had control over everything. During Beltane, people would have bonfires and other special activities to honor these nature spirits.

At the Beltane fire festival, people still celebrate the start of summer by lighting bonfires and dancing around them. It's like having a big party outside with lots of music and fun activities. People wear colorful clothes and sometimes even wear special costumes.

The festival is also all about celebrating new life and growth. That's why people often make flower crowns and hang colorful ribbons and decorations around.

Overall, Beltane is a really fun festival that brings people together to celebrate the beauty of nature and the start of new beginnings.