ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ben Bradlee

Ben Bradlee was a very important man who worked for a big newspaper called The Washington Post. He was like the boss of all the people who worked there and helped decide what stories were important enough to put in the newspaper.

He was in charge during a very famous time when the newspaper found out some big secrets about the government. They found out that people who worked for the government were doing bad things that they didn't want anyone to know about. But Ben Bradlee and his reporters were brave and didn't give up, they kept working hard to get the story out to the public.

Their work was so important that they helped change the world and make it a better place. Ben Bradlee became a hero and everyone wanted to know what he was thinking and what he was going to do next. Even famous people like politicians and movie stars wanted to be his friend.

So, Ben Bradlee was a very powerful and important person who helped uncover secrets and make the world a better place through his work at The Washington Post.