ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Benandanti were people who lived in Italy a long time ago. They believed they had special powers that allowed them to turn into animals and fight against evil spirits. They thought that these spirits caused bad things to happen, like storms and illnesses.

The benandanti would have special dreams where they would see themselves turning into animals and fighting the spirits. They believed that if they didn't fight these spirits, bad things would happen to their crops and their families.

The benandanti would meet up in secret and go on journeys to fight the evil spirits. They would carry branches of a special tree and wear special clothes to protect themselves. They believed that they were doing good by protecting their communities from these evil spirits.

Over time, the benandanti started to be seen as a threat to the church. The church didn't believe in their powers and saw them as people who were practicing witchcraft. The benandanti were eventually punished and their practices were banned.

Today, we don't hear much about the benandanti, but their beliefs and practices have been studied by historians and anthropologists to better understand their way of life.