ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bernard J.S. Cahill

Bernard J.S. Cahill was a man who lived a long time ago and became famous for a special kind of map he made that looks like a flower. It's called a "butterfly map" because it looks like a butterfly with wings spread out.

This map is really special because it shows the whole world at once, but in a way that makes it easy to see all the different parts of it. The butterfly map has lots of different sections that are all shaped like triangles, which helps to make everything fit together neatly.

People liked Cahill's butterfly map so much that it became really popular, and lots of people used it to learn about the world and even to make other maps. Even though Bernard J.S. Cahill is not around anymore, his butterfly map is still remembered and used today by some people who study geography.