ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bertram Raven

Bertram Raven is a person who helped us understand different types of power that people can have in groups. Power is like having a lot of control or influence over something, like when your mom has the power to decide what you eat for dinner.

Raven said there are five different types of power:

1. Coercive power - this is when someone has power because they can make other people do something by using force, like a big mean bully on the playground.
2. Reward power - this is when someone has power because they can give people something they want, like money, candy, or stickers.
3. Legitimate power - this is when someone has power because they have a certain position in a group or organization, like a teacher, boss, or president.
4. Expert power - this is when someone has power because they know a lot about something and can help others, like a doctor or scientist.
5. Referent power - this is when someone has power because others like and respect them, and want to be like them, like a superhero or a popular kid at school.

So, Bertram Raven helped us understand that there are different ways people can have power, and it's important to recognize and understand these different types.