ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Beshalach is a story from the Bible about how the people of Israel escaped slavery in Egypt and traveled through the desert with the help of their leader, Moses.

After leaving Egypt, the Israelites found themselves trapped between a big scary sea and an army of Egyptians chasing after them. But Moses lifted his staff and the sea miraculously split in two, creating a path for the people to cross to safety.

As they journeyed through the desert, the people became thirsty and complained to Moses. So, with the help of God, Moses struck a rock with his staff and water miraculously gushed out for everyone to drink.

Another time, the people became hungry and again complained to Moses. So God sent down manna, a type of bread, from the sky to feed them.

But even with these miracles, traveling through the desert was still very hard and tiring. The people grew tired and discouraged, and they even started to doubt Moses and God’s plan for them.

However, Moses continued to lead them and eventually they arrived at a place called the “Promised Land,” which was their new home. This story teaches us about faith, perseverance, and trust in difficult times.