ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Best Female Athlete ESPY Award

Okay kiddo, so the Best Female Athlete ESPY award is like getting a big shiny trophy for being really, really good at sports if you're a girl. There are lots of different sports for girls to play like basketball, soccer, tennis, and even swimming! And sometimes, girls are extra special good at their sport and make people go "WOW! That's amazing!"

So at the end of every year, people who watch sports on TV and write about sports in magazines and on websites get together and pick the best girl athlete for the whole year. They look at how many games the girl played, how many points she scored, how fast she ran, or how well she swam, and lots of other things that show how good she is at her sport compared to other girls.

Then, they give her a really cool award called the ESPY, which stands for Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly. It's like a big gold trophy with a picture of a woman doing sports on it. And when she gets it, she gets to stand up on a stage in front of a lot of people and say thank you to her coach and her teammates and her fans for helping her be so good at her sport. And everyone claps and cheers for her because she's the best girl athlete of the whole year!