Have you played a game where you have to guess what's inside a box? Sometimes, you might guess correctly on the first try and sometimes it takes a lot of guesswork to finally guess the right thing.
Now, think of this game as a computer program. Sometimes, a program can guess or find what it needs to do very quickly and easily, and sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort for the program to do its job.
The best case scenario is when the computer or program can figure out, guess or find what it needs to do really quickly and easily, just like you guessed the item inside the box on the first try. This is called the best case scenario.
Now, imagine playing the same game but this time it takes you a lot of guesswork to find the right thing. Just like that, sometimes the computer or program has to put in a lot of effort and time to figure out what it needs to do. This is called the worst case scenario.
So, best case is when the computer can do something quickly and easily, and worst case is when it takes a long time and is difficult for the computer to do something.