The Better Business Bureau is a special organization that helps people when they want to buy something, like a toy or a book or a car, from a company they don't know much about. If people want to know if that company is a good one, meaning they don't trick people or sell products that don't work, they can check with the Better Business Bureau for help.
The Better Business Bureau works like a library where people can find information about companies. They collect information from many different sources to make sure it is accurate and dependable. They ask people who have bought things from that company before to give feedback, like a report card, so they can tell others if the company does a good job or not.
The Better Business Bureau also helps solve problems if someone has a complaint about something they bought from a company. They will investigate the complaint, try to find out what happened, and work with the company to help solve the problem.
In summary, the Better Business Bureau helps people find out if a company is a good one to do business with, and if there is a problem, they help find a solution.