ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Beyond Good and Evil

Beyond good and evil is the idea that the things we consider good or bad is not enough to explain the complexities of the world. This means that some things that we once thought were bad, could actually be good or vice versa!

Let's take an example, eating candy. As a kid, you may think eating candy is good, but as an adult, you realize that eating too much candy can be bad for your health. In this case, the idea of beyond good and evil would suggest that candy is neither totally good nor totally bad, but somewhere in between.

This philosophy also suggests that morality is relative and not absolute. This means that what is considered good or bad can vary depending on different cultures, times and situations. For example, some cultures may view polygamy as acceptable, while others do not.

So, the idea of beyond good and evil is basically saying that the world is more complex than just good or bad, and that we should be open to considering different perspectives on morality.