ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bible citation

When we talk or write about the Bible, we often refer to the different parts of it by "citing" them. This means we tell others where in the Bible we found the words we are talking about.

Just like when you tell your friend what page of your favorite book to read, when we cite the Bible, we give others a reference to help them find the exact same words we are talking about.

A citation usually includes the name of the book of the Bible (like Genesis or Matthew), the chapter number (like 1 or 5), and the verse number (like 3 or 10). For example, if we wanted to talk about a verse in the book of John, chapter 3, and verse 16, we would cite it as "John 3:16."

Citing the Bible helps us share information and talk about it with others, so we can all learn and understand more about what it says.
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