ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Biblical names of stars

Okay, so you know how in some books, people have special names based on things that are important to them or their family? In the Bible, some people gave special names to really bright stars in the sky based on things that are important in their religion.

Let's take one example: There's a star called "Regulus," which is one of the brightest stars in the sky. In the Bible, it's sometimes called "the King's Star" because kings were really important back then, and they thought this star was special.

Another example is the Star of Bethlehem, or the Christmas Star, which is mentioned in the Bible as guiding the Wise Men to baby Jesus. This star doesn't have a specific name, but people still talk about it a lot because it's an important part of the Christmas story.

Sometimes, these names can be a little confusing because different cultures or languages have different names for the same star. But in general, the idea is that people gave stars special names to honor their religion's beliefs and stories.