ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Big stick Diplomacy

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people use their words to solve problems, right? Like if you and your friend have an argument, you might talk it out and find a solution. Well, sometimes people take a different approach. They use something called "big stick diplomacy."

Basically, it means that they use their power and strength to get what they want. But it's not just any kind of power, it's a really BIG power - like a big stick that they can use to hit someone.

It's kind of like if you were trying to convince your friend to let you play with their toy. If you talked to them nicely and they said no, you could try using a big stick to scare them into giving it to you.

Now, this might not always be the best way to solve problems. It can sometimes make people angry and cause them to fight back. But some leaders and countries believe that having a big stick is important for showing their strength and protecting their interests.

In fact, a long time ago, a president of the United States named Teddy Roosevelt was famous for using big stick diplomacy. He believed that the U.S. should have a strong military and be willing to use it to protect its interests around the world.

So that's basically what big stick diplomacy is, kiddo. It's when someone uses their power and strength to get what they want, kind of like a big stick that they can use to hit someone.