ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bilinear time–frequency distribution

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of music? Of course you have! Do you know how music is made? It's made by putting different sounds together. And each sound has its own frequency, which means how many vibrations it makes per second.

Now imagine if we wanted to see which frequency is in a certain sound and when it happens. That's when we use something called the Bilinear Time-Frequency Distribution. This is a way to show which frequencies are in a sound and when they happen, kind of like a picture.

To understand how it works, imagine a chart with time on one side and frequencies on the other. We start with a sound and cut it into smaller pieces, like you would cut a cake into slices. Then we measure the frequency of each slice and put it on the chart using a color or a line.

The Bilinear Time-Frequency Distribution can show us a lot of things about the sound. For example, we can see if there are different frequencies happening at the same time, or if a certain frequency happens more often at a certain time.

So that's what the Bilinear Time-Frequency Distribution is, a way to see which frequencies are in a sound and when they happen. It's like a superpower that helps us understand music better!