ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Binary star

A binary star is like having two stars in the same place! They're so close together that they're stuck together and they both spin around each other.

Just like how you might play catch with a friend by throwing a ball back and forth, these two stars play a game of catch with each other. They spin around each other, passing gas and dust back and forth.

There are different kinds of binary stars. Some are so close together that they share their gas and dust. Other times, the stars are far enough apart that we can see them as two separate stars in the sky.

This is really cool for astronomers because they can use binary stars to learn more about the universe. By studying how the stars move and interact with each other, they can figure out how old they are and how much they weigh. They can even use binary stars to test out our understanding of gravity and how it works in space!