ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bindus (Illyrian god)

Okay, imagine there is a group of people who lived a long, long time ago in a place called Illyria. These people had their own beliefs and stories about gods and goddesses. One of these gods was named Bindus. Bindus was a special god who was worshipped by the Illyrians.

Now, Bindus was not like a regular person. He was actually a part of nature. You know how we have the sun, the moon, and the stars? Well, in the eyes of the Illyrians, Bindus was like one of those special things in nature.

They believed that Bindus had the power to control certain things in their world. For example, he was seen as a god who could bring good things like crops, rain for their plants to grow, and even happiness to their lives. He was like a superhero who made their lives better.

The Illyrians would pray to Bindus to ask for his help and protection. They would build special temples dedicated to him where they could worship and offer gifts like food, flowers, or even art. They wanted to show their love and respect for Bindus.

But Bindus was not just a god of good things. In their stories, the Illyrians also believed that he had the power to bring bad things too, like storms, diseases, or even sadness. They thought that if they didn't respect Bindus and didn't worship him, he could get angry and cause trouble for them.

So, by worshipping Bindus, the Illyrians hoped to keep him happy and on their side. They wanted him to keep bringing good things and protect them from the bad things. It was like having a special friend who could do things that no one else could.

Even though we don't believe in the same gods as the Illyrians, it's interesting to learn about their beliefs and what they thought about the world around them. It helps us understand how different people have different ideas about the things around us.