ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Biomachining is like using tiny machines to make things out of living things. Let’s say you have a very tiny tool, like a tiny drill or saw. Instead of using that tool to make things out of metal or plastic, we can use it to work on very small parts inside living things, like cells or even bacteria!

Sometimes, we want to make certain parts or chemicals that we can’t just find in nature. That’s where biomachining comes in. Scientists can use machines to modify living cells or bacteria to produce the things we need.

For example, we can use biomachining to create medicines that can help sick people. We can also use it to create chemicals that can be used to clean up pollution. Scientists can even use biomachining to make tiny sensors that can tell us when something is wrong inside our bodies.

Overall, biomachining is like using tiny machines to edit and create useful things from living cells or bacteria.