ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bioorganometallic chemistry

Alright kiddo, so you know how there are things in science called atoms that make up everything around us? Well, sometimes people use certain special kinds of atoms called metals to make new things that can help us do cool things.

Now, bioorganometallic chemistry is when these metal atoms join together with something called organic molecules - those are molecules that have carbon in them - to make new things that help us understand and treat things that happen in our bodies.

For example, some scientists use bioorganometallic chemistry to create tiny molecules that can be used to help certain medicines work better. Others use this kind of chemistry to understand how certain enzymes in our body work, which can help us create new medicines or treatments for diseases.

So basically, bioorganometallic chemistry is a way for scientists to use special kinds of atoms and molecules to make new things that help us understand, treat, and maybe even cure things that happen in our bodies. Cool, huh?