ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A bioprocess is like making a cake, but instead of using flour and sugar, we use tiny living things called cells to create something useful. Kind of like how your body uses cells to keep you healthy and growing!

First, we need to find the right type of cell for our bioprocess. Just like how you need to choose the right ingredients for a cake, we need to choose the right type of cell that will produce what we need.

Once we have our cells, we feed them nutrients like a kitchen chef feeds their ingredients. We mix everything together in a big container called a bioreactor, which is like a big mixing bowl.

We carefully control the environment in the bioreactor to make sure our cells stay happy and healthy. We keep the temperature just right, make sure they have enough oxygen to breathe, and stir everything up so they don't get too bored.

Over time, our cells start to grow and multiply until we have lots of them! Just like how a cake rises in the oven, our cells start to produce the particular thing we are interested in, like medicine or biofuel.

When everything is finished, we harvest our cells and extract what we need from them, similar to taking the cake out of the oven and letting it cool on the counter.

And just like how we can share our cake with others, we can share the things we make with our bioprocess with others to improve their lives!