ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, have you ever heard of biotelemetry? No? Well, let me tell you all about it!

Biotelemetry is a way for scientists to track and monitor animals remotely. But how do they do that? They use tiny devices called tags or sensors that are attached to the animals. These tags can be attached to birds, fish, mammals, and even insects!

Now, these tags have special instruments inside that can measure things like the animal's heart rate, temperature, and location. For example, if a tag is put on a whale, the scientists can track where it goes and how deep it dives.

One really cool thing about biotelemetry is that the data collected from the tags can be sent back to the scientists through satellites or radio signals. This means that the scientists can monitor the animals from far away without disturbing them.

Scientists use biotelemetry to understand how animals behave in their natural habitats, how they move and migrate, and their responses to environmental changes. This helps them to protect certain species and also to make sure that we are not harming their habitats.

So that's biotelemetry! It's a really important tool for scientists to study and protect animals.