ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bird scarer

A bird scarer is a device made specifically to keep birds away from places where they might cause damage or make a mess. Think of a bird scarer like a really loud, fancy whistle that makes noise to scare birds away.

Imagine you are hanging around in your backyard with your mom, and you see a lot of birds eating your mom's garden. Your mom would be very sad to see her garden getting ruined, so she decides to get a bird scarer to keep the birds away.

The bird scarer can look different depending on who makes it, but it might be a colorful object that spins around when there's wind or a bird is close. When it spins, it gives off a noise that scares the birds away.

Another type of bird scarer can be a sound-emitting device that plays loud noises or even distress calls of other birds to make them think there's danger nearby. This makes the birds fly away, thinking they might be in danger.

So in a nutshell, a bird scarer is a tool that helps to keep birds away from a specific area by making loud or disturbing noises, or even using visual cues to trick them into thinking they're in danger. This way, we can coexist with birds without causing them harm or damaging our properties.