ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Birthright Armenia

Birthright Armenia is a program that helps people of Armenian origin who are living in other countries to connect with their ancestral homeland, Armenia. It's kind of like going back to your grandparents' house for a visit.

When you join Birthright Armenia, you get a chance to spend some time in Armenia, learn about its history and culture, and meet the people who live there. You might get to work on a community project, learn a new skill or language, or explore the outdoors.

The program can last anywhere from six weeks to six months, depending on what you and your hosts agree on. You'll probably stay with a host family, who will show you around and take care of you while you're there. They might teach you how to cook Armenian food, introduce you to their friends, or take you to a folk dance class.

At the end of your trip, you'll have made new friends, learned new things, and maybe even discovered something new about yourself. You'll also have a better understanding of where you come from and why it's important to know your roots.

So, in short, Birthright Armenia is like a big family reunion where you get to learn about your family's history and culture, and make new connections that will last a lifetime.