ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bisbee Deportation

When people live somewhere, they usually have a home, friends, and a community. But sometimes, some people might not like other people who live in their community because they are different from them, or they have different beliefs or opinions. Sometimes, these people might try to force the other people to leave their community, even if they have done nothing wrong. This is what happened in Bisbee, Arizona, a long time ago.

In 1917, there were many people who worked in the copper mines in Bisbee. Some of these people were immigrants from other countries, and some were Mexican-Americans who had lived there for a long time. But some of the other people who lived there didn't like these immigrants and Mexican-Americans. They thought that they were taking their jobs and bringing in different beliefs and ways of doing things. So, they came up with a plan to force all the immigrants and Mexican-Americans to leave Bisbee.

One day, a group of these people, including the sheriff (who is supposed to be a good guy who helps people), rounded up around 1,200 immigrants and Mexican-Americans who worked in the mines. They put them on a train and sent them far away from Bisbee, without letting them take their belongings or say goodbye to their families. This is called the Bisbee Deportation.

The people who were deported were really scared, confused, and upset. They didn't know what they had done wrong, and they didn't know if they would ever be able to go back to their homes and families. It was a really terrible thing to do, and many people were hurt by it.

Today, we know that this kind of treatment is not fair or right. We should always be kind and welcoming to people who are different from us, and we should never try to force them to leave their homes or their communities just because we don't like them.