ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bisht (clothing)

A bisht is a long traditional Arab cloak worn by men. It looks like a big blanket made of fancy fabric and it is usually worn over other clothes, like a jacket.

The bisht has very long sleeves that cover the whole arm and it reaches all the way down to the ankles. There is a slit at the front of the bisht to make it easier to walk in.

Bishts are often worn on special occasions, like weddings or religious celebrations. They are usually made from really soft and nice materials like wool, silk, or cotton, and they can be different colors, but the most popular colors are white, black, and brown.

When you wear a bisht, it makes you look very important and fancy. It is a very elegant and stylish piece of clothing that has been worn by people in Arab countries for many years.