ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Keffiyeh is a piece of cloth that people from the Middle East wear on their heads. It is a square shape and usually made of cotton.

The word "keffiyeh" means "covering" in Arabic. It is also sometimes called a shemagh, ghutrah, or hatta, depending on where you are in the Middle East.

Keffiyehs come in different colors, but the most common is black and white. The colorful versions are usually worn by women, and the traditional ones are worn by men.

The keffiyeh has a very special way of folding. First, you fold it diagonally, creating a triangle shape. Then, you place it on your head so that one end is longer than the other. The longer end drapes over your shoulder, and the shorter end is tucked into the opposite side of the keffiyeh.

The keffiyeh has been worn for many years as a symbol of Palestinian culture and resistance. It has also become popular around the world as a fashion statement.
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