Some people look different from others because of a thing called genetics, which means they get certain traits from their family. Sometimes, people's families come from different places and have different skin colors. In Europe, there are some people who have ancestors (like grandparents or great-grandparents) from Africa. These people are called Black Europeans of African Ancestry.
Just like how all people are different, all Black Europeans of African Ancestry are different too. Some have darker skin than others, some have curly hair, and some have different facial features. But they all have something in common – they have ancestors from Africa and they have a connection to the African continent.
This connection is important because it helps us understand history. A long time ago, European countries like Great Britain, France, and Portugal went to Africa and took people from there to be slaves in America. This was a terrible thing to do, but it happened. Many Black people in America today are descended from these slaves. However, some Black people were taken to Europe instead. They stayed there and had families, and their descendants are the Black Europeans of African Ancestry we see today.
It's important to remember that having ancestors from Africa doesn't make someone less European. Just like how having ancestors from a different country doesn't make you less American or less Canadian. We are all a mix of different genetics and cultures, and that's what makes us unique and special.