ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Black gold (politics)

Black gold refers to a valuable resource called "oil." Oil is very important because it is used to make many things like gasoline, plastic, medicine, and even electricity for homes and cities.

Many countries have a lot of oil, and this makes them very powerful because they can sell it to other countries and make a lot of money. However, some countries have a lot of oil but they are not able to sell it because they do not have the technology or the resources to extract and refine it.

This is where politics come in. When a country has a lot of oil, other countries might try to make deals with them to buy the oil. Sometimes these deals involve giving the country with the oil money or other resources in exchange for the oil.

However, these deals can also lead to conflicts and disagreements between countries. Some countries might disagree on how much the oil should cost or who should be able to buy it. These disagreements can even lead to wars and other serious problems.

So, in summary, black gold (oil) is a very valuable resource that can make countries very powerful. However, disagreements over the buying and selling of oil can lead to political conflicts and even wars.