ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Black suffrage in the United States

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about black suffrage in the United States. A long time ago, there were some people called black people who didn't have the same rights as white people. They couldn't vote or go to the same schools or sit in the same places on buses or trains. This made them very sad and angry.

So some people called abolitionists worked hard to help black people get their rights. They had a big fight called the Civil War where the North fought the South. The North won and they made some laws called amendments that said black people had the same rights as white people.

One of these amendments was called the 15th Amendment. This amendment said that black people could not be stopped from voting just because they were black. But some bad people still tried to stop them from voting by making it very hard to register to vote, like making them take a test or pay a lot of money.

So some good people called Civil Rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks worked very hard to help black people register to vote and make sure their votes were counted. They had big marches and protests and even went to jail sometimes.

Slowly, things got better and now black people can vote just like white people. But we still have to work hard to make sure that everyone has equal rights and nobody is treated unfairly because of their skin color.