ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Block book

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a big book and you want to write something in it, like a story or a recipe. In a block book, the pages are all glued together on one side, like a stack of pancakes. This makes the book very sturdy and strong.

When you open up a block book, you can see all the pages lined up neatly. This is because they are all connected at the spine with that glue. It's like all the pages are holding hands and and sticking together so they don't get lost.

Block books are great for drawing or painting in, because they're so sturdy. You can even use them to make your own little book, by folding the pages in half and stapling them together in the middle.

So there you have it, a block book is just a really strong, sturdy book with all the pages glued together at the spine.