ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blue Sky Tribe

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the blue sky tribe.

Imagine you're outside on a sunny day and you look up at the sky. What color do you see? Blue, right? Well, the blue sky tribe is a group of people who believe that the color blue is really important.

They think that the color blue represents things like the ocean and the sky, which are both really big and powerful. They also believe that blue is a calming color that makes people feel relaxed and happy.

So, the blue sky tribe likes to wear blue clothes, paint their houses blue, and have blue decorations in their homes. They also like to spend a lot of time outside, looking up at the blue sky and feeling connected to nature.

Overall, the blue sky tribe is a group of people who really love the color blue and think it's really important in their lives.