ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blue discharge

Okay, kiddo. So imagine you have a toy that you really love playing with. But one day, it breaks because it's too old or you dropped it too many times. That's kind of what happened with some soldiers a long time ago.

See, back in the olden days, when soldiers got sick or were really bad at their job, they got something called a "blue discharge." It's called that because the paper they got telling them they weren't allowed to be soldiers anymore was, you guessed it, blue.

Just like your toy, sometimes soldiers got "broken" too. Maybe they got hurt too many times or were too sick to keep going, or maybe they just weren't very good at being a soldier. So, instead of keeping them in the army, they were given a blue discharge and sent home.

Now, people look back at the blue discharge and think it was pretty unfair. It mostly happened to soldiers who were black or gay or transgender. It wasn't very nice, but luckily we're much nicer to our soldiers now.