ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blues and twos

Blues and twos is a term used to describe the flashing lights and sound that emergency vehicles, like police cars and ambulances, use when they are on their way to help someone. The 'Blues' stand for the blue lights that flash and the 'Twos' stand for the two-tone siren noise that you hear.

When an emergency vehicle needs to get somewhere fast to help somebody, they turn on their blues and twos. The blue lights flash so people can see them coming from a distance, and the siren sounds loud so that people know an emergency vehicle is coming and they need to get out of the way.

It's kind of like when you are playing a game and you need to tell someone else that you are coming, so you call out "Coming through!" or "Watch out!". When the emergency vehicles use their blues and twos, they are like saying "Watch out, we're coming through! We have to get to someone quickly to help them, and we need to do it safely".

So basically, blues and twos are the flashy lights and loud noises that emergency vehicles use to help keep people safe and get to where they need to go quickly in an emergency.
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