ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Blur (browser extension)

Okay kid, have you ever seen a picture or a website that looks kind of fuzzy or unclear? That's because it's not in focus, just like when you put your hand up to your eyes and everything looks blurry.

Well, there's a thing called a browser extension called "Blur" that helps keep your information safe online. When you use the internet, sometimes you have to put in personal information like your name, your address, or your email. That information can be seen by bad guys called hackers who want to use it for bad things. But don't worry, Blur can help protect you!

Blur can do a few different things to keep your information safe. One of those things is called "masked cards." When you buy something online, you usually have to put in your credit card number. But if you use a masked card, the website won't actually get your real credit card number. Instead, they'll get a fake one that looks real. That way, if a hacker tries to steal your information, they'll just get a fake number that won't work.

Blur can also help you create strong passwords. A password is like a secret code that you use to get into your accounts online. But if your password is too easy, a hacker can guess it and get into your account. Blur can make sure your passwords are strong so that nobody can hack them.

So in summary, Blur is a tool that helps keep your personal information safe online. It can create fake credit card numbers and strong passwords to help keep you and your information safe from bad guys.
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